MindForward Alliance Singapore is a not-for-profit membership organisation transforming workplace culture into one that supports the mental health of its employees.
We believe that businesses, a cornerstone of societies, can be part of the solution to the mental health crisis we face. The workplace has an opportunity and a responsibility to protect, support and create positive mental health for their people so that they can thrive. Failure to build healthy cultures and design workspaces and work that promotes wellbeing will increase the cost of operations and risk profile. It will impact the ability to innovate, to attract and retain the best talent.
Our strength lies in bringing together senior business leaders, HR managers, wellbeing, and D&I professionals of our members, with mental health experts, people with lived experience and industry partners. Through member collaboration, sharing knowledge and real-world evidence, insights from experts and practical support at both the operational and leadership level, MindForward Alliance Singapore members can accelerate their journey to build a mentally healthy workplace.
MindForward Alliance is our global chapter with a network of country chapters: City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA) UK, CMHA Hong Kong, MindForward Alliance Singapore, CMHA India, Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia and New Zealand and MindAlliance Portugal. Together we are working to transform workplace mental health.
Become a member
Let’s make mentalhealth the priority
Creating a mentally healthy workplace culture is an incredible challenge and for those who see the potential, a generational opportunity. Improved mental health leads to more innovation, talent retention, and business growth over the long term. While mental health has not typically been a business-critical issue, more businesses are recognizing its importance. It's an investment in our businesses future sustainability and success
Let’s build ahealthier culture
Mental health is a complex and nuanced challenge for organizations – which is why businesses need a map to guide the way forward. Taking the best of global best practices and implementing them on a local level, The MindForward Alliance provides workspace assessments, implementation strategies, and a range of training and support material that can help identify exactly where organizations are – and what to do next.
Let’s lead the wayand set a path forward
When it comes to understanding workplace mental health, we on a journey and there is so much more we can do. Through business-led workspace mental health guidance and research, The MindForward Alliance is helping anticipate the next breakthrough in building mentally healthy cultures. With collaborative networks that engage every level of the organization, The MindForward Alliance can establish a higher standard of workplace mental health to globally benefit employees, businesses and wider society.