How to Deal with Burnout

Beat Burnout Before It Beats You!

Feeling utterly drained after work? You're in good company. Nearly half of Singapore's workforce is feeling the effects of burnout, according to a recent Telus Health survey published in the Straits Times.  Dr. Emma Waddington, founder of Us Therapy, dives deeper into this issue in her talk, "How to Deal with Burnout," highlighting how burnout goes beyond just work and is a multifaceted issue with a multi-pronged solution.

Read the attached for the key insights from the session.

A Global Toolkit for Planning and Building Your Workplace Mental Health Strategy

(Click on the image to read and download the guide)


We are excited to share a Global Toolkit for Planning and Building Your Workplace Mental Health Strategy.  This toolkit is designed to help guide and inspire organisations in the planning or growth stages of their workplace mental health strategy.

Key highlights of the toolkit include:
  • Practical guidance on developing an action plan to support good mental health in your organization.
  • Insights on promoting an open culture around mental health and eliminating stigma.
  • Strategies to empower employees to manage their own mental health and support each other effectively.
The toolkit also provides case studies, resource recommendations, and a data-driven approach to help you measure progress and make informed decisions.

This is put together by The Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health  with contributions from: International SOS, Bupa Global, Sheena Pirbhai, EDP, Newmont Corporation, HCA Healthcare UK and Puget Sound Energy

I encourage you to explore this invaluable resource and leverage its insights to enhance workplace well-being within your organization.

Click the image to get the guide.

Video Highlights: Balancing Ambition with Well-Being

Catch the highlights of our event here: watch video

A powerful message emerged:
Sustainable success hinges on finding the right balance between ambition and well-being.

This was reinforced by an inspiring group:
– Professor Emily Ortega (Head of Psychology, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)): A sports coach and dedicated athlete herself, she exemplifies balanced ambition.
ENRICO ‘IRONMAN EV’ VARELLA (24-time Ironman Finisher): His dedication and perseverance showcase the power of focused effort with recovery.
Shayan Hazir (Chief Digital Officer, ASEAN, HSBC): A successful leader who prioritizes well-being alongside ambition.

Winning Mind, Winning Life: Balancing Ambition with Wellbeing

Winning Mind, Winning Life: Balancing Ambition with Wellbeing

Ready to achieve your goals without sacrificing your wellbeing?

Join us for “Winning Mind, Winning Life,” a dynamic discussion exploring the crucial balance between ambition and wellbeing. Learn from an elite athlete, successful business leaders, and a psychologist cum professor as they share their personal victories and practical strategies for:

  • Redefining “winning” to include mental health and personal fulfillment
  • Building resilience to navigate high pressure and setbacks
  • Achieving peak performance without burnout
  • Cultivating a workplace culture that supports both ambition and well-being

Leave equipped with actionable steps to:

  • Boost your mental fitness and unlock your full potential
  • Create a thriving environment for yourself and your team
  • Achieve true success in all areas of life

Target Audience:

· Professionals at all levels: This event is relevant to individuals across various industries and career stages, from young professionals to seasoned leaders.

· Ambitious individuals: Those seeking to optimize their performance and achieve their goals while prioritizing their mental health.

· People interested in personal growth: Anyone seeking to learn practical strategies for building resilience, navigating pressure, and cultivating sustainable success.

· Organizational leaders: Managers and decision-makers who want to create thriving work cultures that foster wellbeing and high performance.

Register now to unlock your “Winning Mind, Winning Life”!

Celebrating Love's Spectrum on Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We believe that love extends far beyond romantic relationships. Today, we invite you to celebrate love in all its forms – self-love, friendship, appreciation for colleagues, and the love you share with your unique community.

💚 Feeling single?
You’re not alone! Embrace this time to focus on your own well-being and nurture meaningful connections with friends and family.

💜 Remember, your value is not defined by your relationship status.
You are worthy of love and belonging, regardless of whether you have a partner.

💛 Let’s build a more inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and supported, regardless of their personal life.

Insights from Thriving at Work Assessment - 2023


The 2023 Thriving at Work assessment provided valuable insights into our members’ mental health strategy and its implementation.

Read the highlights of the results to find out the strengths and opportunities for growth in our approach to mental health at work.


Insights from Thriving at Work Assessment – 2023


Event Video: Empowering Workplace Mental Health

Click on the image to watch the video highlights of the event.

Empowering Workplace Mental Health Event

🌟 Building a Strong Foundation for Mental Wellness in the Workplace! ✨

Here are the highlights from our event, “Empowering Workplace Mental Health“, held on November 14. This annual event was specially curated to focus on cultivating a mentally healthy workplace for individuals across industries.


✨ Here’s a glimpse of what attendees experienced: ✨

1️⃣ Short Film: Dragon Quest 🎥

This light-hearted, thought-provoking short film sheds light on the challenges faced by a young man seeking help for his mental health. It highlighted the importance of having the courage and persistence to find the right therapist who is empathetic, willing to listen, and willing to journey alongside him.  Thank you to Standard Chartered Bank and Mental Health Film Festival (Singapore) Ltd for allowing us to screen this impactful short film.


2️⃣   Panel Discussion: “Having A Sustainable Workplace Mental Health Strategy🗣️

We were privileged to have our panel of esteemed speakers: @Dr. Kate Gardner, Laure de Panafieu, Steve Loh, Sujata Tiwari, and Woei Shiuan Lee, address crucial questions such as what are the key elements of a sustainable mental health strategy, the challenges faced in creating such a strategy, and how leaders can foster a mentally healthy work environment.

See the event post on LinkedIn: Having A Sustainable Workplace Mental Health Strategy

3️⃣ Launch of Thriving at Work Lite Guide 📚

This guide provides valuable resources and actionable steps to create a psychologically safe space, develop a mentally healthy working environment, signpost to resources, and provide support for your teams. Packed with interventions ranging from low to high maturity, the Lite Guide focuses on nine standards spread across three pillars. You can download the guide using this link:


4️⃣ Awards Ceremony 🏆

We celebrated members’ exceptional efforts in implementing interventions aligned with the Thriving at Work Guide, prioritizing employees’ well-being.

See the post on LinkedIn: Awards Ceremony


The “Empowering Workplace Mental Health” event was a success in equipping attendees with valuable insights, practical strategies, and inspiration to foster a mentally healthy workplace within their industry.

Thank you to all the participants and speakers for making this event memorable. Special thanks to Linklaters for hosting the

event and sponsoring the refreshments, and Fraser and Neave Limited and Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore (Part of The HEINEKEN Company) for sponsoring the drinks.


For more industry insights and thought leadership on workplace mental health, stay connected with our LinkedIn page: MindForward Alliance Singapore.


Together, let’s continue to create mentally healthy work environments and foster a positive impact on the well-being of working individuals.







Building a Thriving Work Environment

Building a sustainable workplace mental health strategy is essential for creating a thriving work environment. By redefining mental health, gaining leadership support, promoting mental literacy, and supporting return-to-work transitions, organizations can foster an inclusive culture that values employee well-being.

Want to hear from experts and leaders in the field? Want to discover the best practices and challenges of transforming workplace mental health?  Read the key takeaways from the panel discussion.

Panel – A Sustainable WPMH Strategy